January 29, 2007

we're so busy workworkworkworkwork

gonna start painting soon

or at least exercising

January 18, 2007

in the past week I had

- found 3 friends new jobs
- bought my first tailored type pants (puke)
- less than 24 hours of sleep
- gotten mad at having to shout at the same people for 3 consecutive days
- stress/agitation rash a billion times
- set more roots of hair to grow white
- developed yet another (or many) frown wrinkle(s)
- stressed facial muscles a gazillion times
- been feeling like it's reallyreally back to school with dressing constrains and yes, the whole package
- sniggered every morning assembly at typically schoolish things
- 4 good classes among the 12 so far
- too many disheartening classes
- semi voice losing bouts
- grown wiser recently with quote 'you must discipline them before teaching' :)
- (successfully) surprised bf with ___________. there are a few others with the similar craze and they are currently in my list of surprisees :)
- pondered very much about what separates a disciplinarian and a mentor
- an experience I'd have NEVER dreamed of having in my academic years

January 13, 2007

I swear all of my ex school teachers (and some people I occasionally call friends or family) are gonna laugh their way to hell if they knew what my profession would be as of this coming monday