February 28, 2003
i was scheduled to wake only at noon
but due to the consistent phone calls and messages and cries for comfort and reassurance
i am now fully awake
it's become a norm for people to be all jittery and nervous and uneasy and everything else which has the same meaning or are related one way or another i have a tendency to make my sentences very long it was one of the things that irritated the hell out of my english teacher a few weeks/days/hours/minutes before receiving results
but if you reallly think about it
i mean.. what's done been done so all we can do now is sit and wait patiently and quietly
qoute from mom.. these days people don't know how to differenciate from right and wrong especially when it comes to the matters of the head (?)
errr whatever it is i'm glad i have a mom like that because who knows.. if i hadn't had her i might just be one of those 'people' she's made an example of
think i'll just go play the guitar
Posted by olivia at 10:09:00 AM
February 21, 2003
it was fucking incredible today
was at youth park and i don't know where i got the adrenalin from
i just was jumping all over the place
managed a 180 to a stalled royale on the vert
a gap in the air from a ramp
anyway it was fucking incredible
until i came home
father just hadddddd to do it
he just haddddd to end my day with something upsetting
and i have to fucking work tomorrow morning
he ends my day like that
oh i met sham
Posted by olivia at 11:29:00 PM
February 17, 2003
February 13, 2003
just how long more til i can finally quit the job and live a life...
rumour has it that results will be out at the end of the month
the sooner the better.
haven't done much this week
though a friend and i have started on some designs for our independent apparel label
bloody excited about it
i hope there will be progresses big enough for me to advertise merchandise here on the blog
Posted by olivia at 2:04:00 AM
February 5, 2003
so i decided to continue blogging
happy chinese new yearrrrrrr to whoever's reading this
and vday's around the corner
seriously didnt realise until a friend mentioned it
happy vday in advanced
get your roses now
dry flowers are In
happy deepavali while im at it
has anybody got any idea on How to remove awful looking/smelling henna?
Posted by olivia at 1:58:00 AM