well... just finished painting my once beige canvas shoes
they're now blue stars against black with lots of glitter
look horribly messy when up close though
but it's nice from afar
i'd take a picture if i had a webcam.
so if you ever see shoes like that........................
May 31, 2003
May 30, 2003
why do you even bother asking...
when you don't really want to know?
when all you want is my one worded reply and my sympathy with whatever you're going to tell me about next.
whatever you are going through/have gone through.
whatever makes you happy......
Posted by olivia at 12:14:00 AM
May 29, 2003
>dont tell me ud rather go run on the tread mill n stare into space like some idiot
hmm there is such a thing called tv
>or sign up at the california fitness club n run on the tread mills facing the outside so that u can think people think ure a person full of will power n that ure the fittest n the most beautiful person in the universe
in front of the tread mill
>ok sorry im over reacting a bit.. lol
u havin pms i understand
>oh then perhaps i have been having pms all my friggin life
Posted by olivia at 12:45:00 AM
May 28, 2003
stiffstiff neck... edits edits and more edits.
here's something i got off the book i'm on.
food for thought?
'the doctrine of soul mates can be described as the belief that at some time a split occurred, separating the physical and spiritual natures of a person. the result of this split is that no human being can be complete within itself. the believers in the soul mate theory think it's necessary to be reunited with the other half of one's self in order to achieve perfection. this is a sad misunderstanding. each person is complete within himself. reincarnation and karma affirm the completeness of each person. romantic infatuation is too often confused with the desire to find the other part of oneself, or one's soul mate.'
- the power of karma, mary t. brown
Posted by olivia at 2:25:00 AM
May 27, 2003
nothing much happened today... had the worst fall of my life earlier i think
almost peed in my pants
boy the impact was so great the pain went to my head when i landed on my butt
had to lie down for a while but all's fine now
left knee feels a bit fucked as well but what the heck
i'm not complaining or anything just merely making use of the space i have on this blog
i seriously wouldn't know what life is if without everything that i'm doing now (as in general)
dyed my hair again and it didn't turn out right as usual
so instead of getting blonde streaks i have red streaks in a more vibrant red.
Posted by olivia at 12:38:00 AM
May 26, 2003
because popkorn ran outta water 4 days ago and because it's been so so very hot
she just spent 5 whole minutes at the bottle drinking water
didn't realise how much she has shrunk (again) until 10 minutes ago
and she's still at the bottle.
she's gonna drown to death at this rate
ha i feel like a total ass.
Posted by olivia at 3:40:00 AM
i haven't got anything interesting to write today...
the day has been uneventful.
trudged through work
4 more days before it alll ends..
can't believe i've been with videoezy for almost half a year already.
where the hell did time go?
Posted by olivia at 1:16:00 AM
May 22, 2003
watched yet aNOther movie today
bringing down the house
didn't really make an impression
it's the kinda movie you wouldn't remember 10 years down the road.
caught also xmen2 a few days back
think xmen2 was much better than matrix reloaded
probably because i was already falling asleep during the first 30 minutes of it
or maybe it was just me
or maybe it was just the heat
jammed today
guitarist a bit pessimistic about us performing next month
how will we know the results when we haven't even been put to test yet?
Posted by olivia at 10:54:00 PM
May 21, 2003
sonic edge gig 31st may
anybody up for it?
does anybody have any comments
still wondering if it would be wise to go
Posted by olivia at 11:02:00 PM
May 20, 2003
BORED half to death at work.
played and replayed and replayed and replayed and replayed and replayed (that's 6 times altogether) nirvana's mtv unplugged album until colleague wanted to watch edward scissorhands.
still bored.
it's been a long long time since someone last surprised me with something.
or rather
i haven't been surprised by anything in a long long time.
Posted by olivia at 2:03:00 PM
make up your mind
take a point
make the point
you contradict.
round and round in circles we go...
Posted by olivia at 12:56:00 AM
somebody should start manufacturing thigh guards or some sort soon
i keep on hitting the same area now it's bruised all over again
but skating was cool today
we had the whole park to ourselves Ü
Posted by olivia at 12:44:00 AM
May 19, 2003
sun's finally going down
it's been a hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot day
well i don't know about the morning
but it was super hot in the afternoon
spent the whole day (afternoon) playing the bass and the guitar and making loads of noise and downloading loads of stuff
cos something urgent cropped up so the vocalist cldnt jam and so we called it off
gonna leave the house soon
the night has arrived and it's time to skate
Posted by olivia at 6:21:00 PM
May 17, 2003
had this... farewell gathering for a friend today
well all i can say is...
never attend gatherings which were organised to just let everybody 'hang out and talk'.
went to the sanitarium '03 gig as well
i must say i had better fun there than the gathering
tho' the gathering
was all for a good cause...
caught matrix 2 in the early afternoon
it was inspiring
but not fascinating enough
i have not watched xmen 2
waiting for the incredible hulk
the monster's green!
i had just one meal today
and it wasn't even healthy
okay so basically it wasn't a really great day...
Posted by olivia at 11:28:00 PM
May 14, 2003
'Ever felt all alone? Ever wondered if anyone feels the way u do? Now go think, we aren't so alone after all.'
Posted by olivia at 3:35:00 AM
May 13, 2003
it's So So sO sO So So sO sO So So sO sO cOLd tonight...
so friggin' cold... so silent
so very dark
so very lonely?
Posted by olivia at 11:30:00 PM
and it gets you thinking;
where the hell did things go wrong?
everything we had doesn't stand for anything anymore.
>cheer up, scuzzie boy.
>come sit beside me and i'll share with you my chaota kaya toast and milk.
for all the broken hearted
welcome to the club.
Posted by olivia at 1:48:00 AM
May 12, 2003
man i came across a whole chain of weblogs belonging to people who do art
comparing my own crappy standard of art work with theirs
it feels like it's going to be difficult getting through art school
and it doesn't make me feel very good.
i should do something about this soon...
Posted by olivia at 2:12:00 PM
haven't really got anything to write...type about today
10 hours at work felt like one whole month
band might just perform in june
ain't getting my hopes high though
everything's not confirmed yet
the waiting is kiiillllliiinnnnnnnng me slowly.
looking forward to stopping work at the end of the month...
there's so much to do in june!!!!
define Crush?
Posted by olivia at 1:14:00 AM
May 10, 2003
i just re read the whole chunk of my archives
boy was i entertained
ha ha.
Posted by olivia at 2:28:00 AM
May 9, 2003
today the injuries aren't black
they aren't blue either
they are red
but i bet the bones are black and blue
cos it hurts like mad to even walk
but what the heck i hhaddddddd fuuunnnnn todayyyyyyyyyyy :D
and today (untechnically) i used purple hair dye
but it didn't turn out to be purple
not red either
no idea what colour
a cross between red and purple
but everything's fine cos it doesn't look horrendous
Posted by olivia at 12:05:00 AM
May 8, 2003
hooray for pure rock!!
one site more to get info on local scene!
there still is so much talk about how lousy the local scene is compared to what others have elsewhere.
i really don't see it
are the bands here really that sad?
all the politics
they are making everything seem so difficult.
Posted by olivia at 1:07:00 AM
May 4, 2003
it's been a crappy day
felt like shit the whole evening
but everything's fine now that i've had peanut butter sandwiches and milk.
Posted by olivia at 1:22:00 AM
May 1, 2003
all you think about is yourself and it's such a shame
i'm sick and tired of your stupid talk and your silly games
i can't stand it when you bend the rules to your liking
and that's the reason why we can't stop fighting
so punch me right in the face
so kick me out to outer space
whatever makes you happy.............
Posted by olivia at 11:09:00 PM