this has been kept in far too long......
im horribly disgusted by and sick of retards making stupid remarks and statements similar to
> emo is whining passing off as singing
> emo is punkrock skateboarders getting dumped
> emo is my cat got hit by a car and died.
and suddenly, ANYTHING related to ANGUISH becomes emo.
like what the fuck? a once properly catagorised music type brought down by stupid people
these ignorant, chilidish, worse than the whiney vocalist in that band they've just described dumbfucks...
because of ignorance and the stupid media and fucking MTV emo now has a new degraded connotation
and it isn't funny at all, to those who are really into THE music
you know what the ignorant has in head when you announce that your all time favourite album is one by an Emo band and it isn't nice having that run through your head then you just can't help it but start to explain what the Emo you listen to actually is to a fucking metalhead and you know why they call metalheads metalheads SOME (not
all) of them their minds so terribly difficult to get through to all day long the insides just go EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLE EVILLLLLLLLE \m/o.o\m/
ALL of these stereotyping hypocritical contradictory *music lovers* asswipes should just go get hit by a plane or something.
September 28, 2003
September 27, 2003
wow i just watched this jap anime The Cat Returns
magically fantastic is probably the term to describe movies like that
good for a weekend with 2 projects due on the following monday
okay maybe not so good
i was supposed to be working on them instead of watching anime... o.O
Posted by olivia at 1:39:00 PM
September 23, 2003
GRRRRR i am getting very mad at RIAA
because i can't friggin fIND MY AUDIO FILES TO DOWNLOAD ANY BLOODY WHEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !@$%^$#%@^%#!#$%@#^@^@$$^@$%!#!$%@#$@#%!#!#!$
Posted by olivia at 8:37:00 PM
double rainbow
the reflected one's damn faint
dyo see it?
both of them were looking real edible
i wonder where does the other side end
Posted by olivia at 7:00:00 AM
September 22, 2003
had a 5 hour nap earlier and it felt like 6am when i finally woke from the dream i was having but nooooo it's only 3am.
the dream was similar to one i had before by the way
it's the one with a nice warm fuzzy feeling when you're walking arm in arm in the streets with the person you're really interested in... you know?
and this time round my legs went literally soft and rubbery and i felt like i was walking on air during one part in the dream o.O
one of the effects you get from having nice warm fuzzy feelings i guess.
and it's the same guy in both dreams... only in different body forms i've no idea why.
but maybe it's just an unconscious infatuation of him i have in the day brought into the erm conscious me during sleep (?)
so don't get me wrong... i'm not head over heels crazy about him or anything like that (erm....)
we've known each other for like what, 5 years now?
friggin PRIMARY 6...
it'd be interesting to have some sort of a progression in the relationship :p
ha ha ha.
well i guess i should be getting back to sleep now...
Posted by olivia at 3:37:00 AM
September 20, 2003
before i had a band i thought playing in a band would definately be one of the greatest things in life a person could do.
not that i've changed my point of view on that but anyone who is/was in a band knows that it isn't easy being in a band and keeping a band.
been playing for the same band [with different line up(s)] for close to a year now and it feels nice when i say there isn't one tiny bit of me regretting picking up bass then having to go through a whole load of shit and nonsense before having ourselves where we are today. (not that we are anywhere close to the stage anyway)
erm yeah so my point of today's post today is:
now... i also think that playing in a band on a tour... any kind of tour. preferably a world tour. haha! would definately be one of the greatest valued experience in life a person could Ever have.
i think the sun got to my head.
Posted by olivia at 1:24:00 AM
September 17, 2003
good evenings.
i just tabbed Brandtson's holly park
very nice to play... though in a very odd tuning o.O
haven't figured out what tuning it is.
tuned the bass strings by listening to the song and guessing which string the notes fall on in each bar
sunny day real estate's In Circles is damn nice to play too
perhaps i should try matchbook romance's Greatest fall the next time
call me an emo kid i don't care i'm addicted to hooked on infatuated with crazy about the 4/16 beats off beats double pedal absolute passion anger rage tears filled vocals
been having discs of similar genre in my discman for quite a while now.
anything faster goes into the trash
Posted by olivia at 11:01:00 PM
September 16, 2003
endless restless sleepless nights.
no more fairy tales and sing alongs in my head.
plastered smile on plaster face.
here comes emptiness crashing in...
Posted by olivia at 12:08:00 AM
September 15, 2003
as a piece of self slowly slips
found in a different galaxy
a glitter of green
with a different perspective
you can't possibly be everything in the world, can you?
what can't stay goes away
>>on repeat<<
smashing pumkins - dancing in the moonlight (thin lizzy cover)
Posted by olivia at 12:14:00 AM
September 14, 2003
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Posted by olivia at 3:28:00 AM
September 13, 2003
yay i just finished fixing my glass proj
waiting for the glue/paint to dry now.
everything that glitters is gold
didn't do much today
went down to simei in the morning
friend had a package for me
and then headed home... started on the glass proj
today's the first time in a zillion saturdays that i haven't got anything planned for the evening
well that's probably only because i decided to skip the dreams, luv & fantasy gig at esplanade park...
ha ha so here i am in front of my computer
the gig started at 4pm anyway.
and i didn't have dough for film.
asked mom to get me a few rolls when she passes by the photo shop later.
Posted by olivia at 7:54:00 PM
September 12, 2003
feels like a super long time since i've blogged something decent
and yes i'm still alive... barely kicking though.
haven't been getting enough sleep the past few nights.
it seems like nobody's (okay at least just the ones i know of) really enjoying uni life.
chatted with a few friends studying in NUS recently and it really bugs me how and why are they giving so much of themselves to something which they don't even enjoy half of.
sure, a higher cert would definately do pockets better, but isn't what one has gotten out of life much more important to a Self at the end of it all?
we have only this much time on earth man...
Posted by olivia at 8:15:00 PM
September 10, 2003
hey GRINNIS...
thanks for dropping by and i hope you're doing fine :)
Posted by olivia at 10:27:00 PM
September 8, 2003
had a super tiring day
probably due to the lack of sleep
tossed and turned about last night for almost half an hour (yeah that's a personal record) before i dozed off.
new term nerves? o.O
well we're doing 3d stuff this term
glass and clay and wire and... bamboo planks.
i spent the whole day sweating in class today
well actually we aLL spent the day sweating
atrocious, the weather!
silver swirls
silver balls
running away
Posted by olivia at 11:01:00 PM
the perfect way to end the term break...
jam in the day and skate in the night.
the thought of going to school tomorrow doesn't sound so bad now
hmm i have no idea which class im supposed to go to
Posted by olivia at 12:42:00 AM
September 7, 2003
okay so blogger was down for a whole lot of hours earlier
and i've forgotten everything i wanted to blog about
this is a pretty interesting site.
well it's late
i ought to sleep soon
Posted by olivia at 3:28:00 AM
September 6, 2003
argh something's wrong here...
let's wait til tomorrow to see if the problem persists
Posted by olivia at 2:49:00 PM
September 5, 2003
Throw away the radio suitcase
That keeps you awake
Hide the telephone in case you
Realize that sometimes
You’re just not okay
this is the way to spend the days...
we eat and sleep our lives away
I’ll be waving my hand
Watching you drown
Watching you scream
Quiet or loud
false accusations
Posted by olivia at 1:26:00 AM
September 4, 2003
can't believe i skated the bloody whole of today (yesterday)
started at 9am was at youthpark all the way
looking like a lobster now plus scraped skin and bruises
hmmm it's weird how this works
just when i was thinking of slowing down in the sport because of time constrains the passion comes rushing back in all over again.
mom cooked alfredo pasta
think i ate a bit too fast
stomach feels weird
that was the only decent meal i've had since last night
i wanna skate again tomorrow
Posted by olivia at 12:59:00 AM
September 3, 2003
September 2, 2003
sunshine kisses
yellow raspberries
absolute folate
fall under the weight
hold it up
Posted by olivia at 3:01:00 AM
September 1, 2003
shit i probably shouldn't have mentioned myself downloading files...
later kena summoned.
Posted by olivia at 3:54:00 AM
past few days have been packed like hell
now that things have slowed down and there is nothing else to do but develop pictures and write some more reviews, i am starting to feel a little uneasy of this slower pace.
just downloaded a few files from muse's newer album ABSOLUTION and they sound hmmm...
how should i put it. different?
kinda reminds me of the files this person once sent me that fell under the genre 'noise'
yes there is actually such a genre
it is when *noises* (mechanical sounds usually) are taken and remixed and arranged to form a *song*.
no tunes included
that's the mother cat on the left and her kitten playing with my camera holder
the mother cat and her 4 kittens used to live downstairs and i'd bring them food
i don't know where they've gone to now
cross my heart and i hope you die...
Posted by olivia at 3:32:00 AM