June 28, 2004

deoxy here.

courtesy of jvlz

i especially like this particular strip...

June 26, 2004

and for that very instance, a brief wave of melancholy swept across the silence and stillness of it all... leaving the darkened void to wonder if there was only so much to it, to wonder if everything that had seem to matter still mattered as much.

it is true, how they say we human beings can never really be satisfied and totally appreciative with what we've got until it's gone, out of sight and out of touch...

June 21, 2004

Love makes the world go 'round... <3

June 16, 2004

I want 2 cats

I want a black cat and I want a white cat.


June 14, 2004

received my results a few days back


2D Workshop - 6
3D Workshop - 6
Art History I & II - 3
Art Theory I & II - 3
Drawing - 6
Design Workshop - 6
Multimedia Workshop - 6
Professional Practice - 4

maximum number of credits attainable for the academic year; 40
number of credits needed to progress; 36
my AP was a 69.38
that's 10.62 away from a distinction...
oh well

they're happy enough though
and i'm happy too
we're all happy happy people

June 8, 2004

if this is love, why does it reek of emptiness?

does it only hurt for a little while, before it all goes away?

is that why they always stop holding hands stop sharing food in public but instead start spending lesser quality time together

and is that why they forget that even the tiniest detail and words actually matter (yes WORDS DO MATTER, they are 2nd most important after actions.)

is it because it became more like only a commitment to keep and only a rightful duty to fulfil?

what the hell had happened to mankind?

or is it just me...

okay imagine you have a family wedding dinner to attend (whose? not very sure yet) and so off you go making your way with your mom and brothers to harbour front center and then you meet and sit at the same table with your uncle (mom's brother) and his family, meet your other uncle (mom's other brother) and his family of 4 who's got that boy who lived with you and your family for a couple of years when he was still a toddler but he's all grown up now, and he does not have the slightest recognition of having lived with his father's sister's family... hell, he wouldn't have known if he had walked past any of us on the streets before this dinner. anyway after that you meet more people, people who've shrunk one way and that's down, people who've grown left right and up, people you used to know and have played with in the sea and sand half naked while you guys were still happily being kids but don't speak to anymore, not able to even make proper eye contact, people whom you find looking so suspiciously familiar yet can't place your fingers on the where's and what's and who's, and of course, the people you never knew you actually know. and you miss the people who aren't present, for one reason or another...

that basically sums up the kind of relationship I have with my relatives.
and also 3/4s of the dinner... the rest of it was the usual 8 dish course that left us stuffed like christmas turkeys waiting to be roasted or baked.

I was pretty amazed/amused/fascinated by how they started the course though, dimmed lights and music in the background and there were lines and lines of waitresses/waiters serving the very first dish that had this tealight candle in a wine glass placed amongst finger food.


but wait, the highlight of it all?

it was only after the dinner when I found out that it was actually my cousin (mother's brother's daughter) who got married...

I'm gonna go comfort myself with some tea and a book......

June 5, 2004


I wanna go to EUROPE... visit VENICE SEE THE GOTHIC STRUCTURE HOUSES SEE VENETIAN ART IN THE GALLERIE DELL'ACCADEMIA HOUSES walk the deserted sandy beaches of pellestrina and attempt counting the stars in the skies of ghost town torcello...

yeah I think I'll just settle on visiting venice first.

as you can probably tell, olivia is getting pretty damn bored of this place... she wannnnnts to get outttttttt see the worldddddd and everrrrything else beaauuuuutifuullllll

but of course, not without her one and only...

and not forgetting having tonnes and tonnes of $ first.

I suppose it's the freedom that attacts...

June 3, 2004



Your wings are BROKEN and tattered.
You are an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for one reason or another - possibly, you made
one tragic mistake that cost you everything.
Or maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't commit.
In any case, you are faithless and joyless.
You find no happiness, love, or acceptance in your love or in yourself.
Most days are a burden and you wonder when the hurting will end.
Sweet, beautiful and sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching picture.
You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you deeply and wish that they could do something to ease your pain.
You are constantly living in memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or self-loathing.
Feeling rejected and unloved, you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite your tainted nature, your soul is breathtakingly beautiful.

Image is a painting by Natalya Nesterova.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings*~*~*
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