June 30, 2005

this could probably qualify for the stupidest antic of the year... seriously, people ask the craziest questions when it comes to food.

middle aged guy looking sort of agonized walks into sandwich bar. middle aged guy reads menu boards for quite a while before deciding to speak...

guy: Hmmm... *frowns* big meal deals. what's a big meal deal ah?
my colleague: oh that's actually the only set meals available here and each one consists of...
guy: *cuts her off* big meal deal... HMMMM (very serious looking) do you have a middle sized meal deal? a middle sized deal? not big one?
my colleague: ???????

LOL. and then the rest of us were back in the kitchen, with stifled laughter...

June 26, 2005

special day...

wistful thinking.

June 22, 2005

disrupted eating habits
disrupted sleeping habits
(almost) disrupted emotional balance
disrupted social etiquette

disrupted eating habits continued
disrupted sleeping habits - less sleep in spite of fatigue
disrupted social etiquette now habitual

am STILL apprehensive even though the slog's finally over, the one month slog. and it's worse than (see: before)... the wait for results. explains the sleeplessness maybe.

whoever would have known that now, the once Oh hello o'levels let's get you done and out of my life ASAP me... would think about self worth as a student half as much as i think about my boyfriend in a day.

such joy.

June 8, 2005

whoever would have thought of this?
out of cardboard boxes.

and i love my boyfriend too

no matter the amount of shit that befalls US.
US okay?
no i
no you

just us.

June 5, 2005

9 more months. 15 if he gets that extension.

if you see me on the streets
or anywhere else
these days
and noticed that i had put on weight visibly. or lost weight. it would mean the days hadn't been easy

and assurance is important.