April 29, 2006

taking a break from imagery research...

junk food consumed this week:
- crunch choc bar
- 1 can of coke
- cheezels
- twisties
- 2 cups of cup noodles (LOL)
- greenspot orange juice
- sour power (cola flavoured)
- 2 sticks of mentos (limited edition)
- 1/2 pack of some weird jap. gummy sweet
- traffic light popsicle
- jack&jill potato chips (which will be consumed tomorrow)
- random mix of sweets

it's an unusually long list just thought it'd be interesting to note... on regular normal days junk food isn't appetizing AT ALL... hmmmmmmmmm.

April 27, 2006

realised today that most of the entries are one liners, what's the point here? elaborations are tiring especially when you're really elaborating to no one in particular. one liners on the other hand are kind of like self reminders... so that when I read the archive, things and people that have made me sad happy lost desperate furious or lose respect for are recalled. because sometimes I forget. well anyway, the one liner of today is

gonna start the Save for Rugby Stuff Fund soon. with that, I'd better be playing the best rugby that I have to offer.

4 days, will the wall be crumbling?
"...when I am walking a dark road, I am a man who walks alone."

April 20, 2006

"...Some researchers suggest that people who react to pollens may also have a hypersensitivity to certain foods. For example, several studies have found that people allergic to grass pollens also reacted to tomatoes, peanuts, wheat, apple, carrot, celery, peach, melon, eggs and pork."


April 19, 2006

the 'exercise' knocks me out even before the 'game' starts.
how like that?

rough waters ahead to get over......

April 17, 2006

i'm gonna scream if i get asked to do a re-submission again