August 30, 2006
August 29, 2006
August 19, 2006
my idea of yum
can't figure out just what is it with me and extreme sports. sports featuring speed, height, danger, high level of physical exertion, highly specialized gear and spectacular stunts with the capacity of inducing an adrenaline rush in participants (as taken from wikipedia). it had been aggressive inline skating for years and years but I knew a long time back that I was going to have to let go of it sooner or later due to over strained knees wrists and back. I still love skating for its speed and the smoothness of it all despite rolling against gravity and friction... how I miss the feeling of being air borne.
so these days I had been dabbling with rugby (the alternative of aggro skating) and just this morning actually, I tried wakeboarding. OMG.......... but that is going to be one Seriously Expensive addiction if allowed to progress. 90 freaking bucks an hour. that's at least $270 each month if done weekly. :o
well I think this crazy need, itch, crave, want? for sports like this might be psychological. legally crazy. I remember always being Super psyched before every skate session. and right now, I can't seem to stop thinking about wakeboarding wakeboarding wakeboarding wakeboarding wakeboarding wakeboardinnnnnnnnnnnnnng. probably gonna bug my bro in a while to join me in playing basketball on skates TO GET WAKEBOARDING OUT OF MY HEAD
Posted by olivia at 12:05:00 PM
August 7, 2006
And the Lights in the Night Came Alive, mixed media
taken from part of a painting from a commissioned job in early April
on a totally irrelevant note,
isn't it nice when you're somebody's favourite teacher
Posted by olivia at 10:11:00 PM
August 4, 2006
Wandering stars
for whom it is reserved
the blackness
of darkness
Posted by olivia at 3:38:00 PM