the official 'Last blog entry of 2007'
I can't recall if I have ever written a nice proper positively cliched end-of-the-year-blog-entry over half a decade housed here in but today, at this very moment, it feels called for. not to worry, this will not turn out to be be a freaking essay, just some short paragraphs of commemoration, to what had been a wonderful year, of 2007. yes. very much to the dismay of certain people (no I am not being paranoid), it had been a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL year despite the emotional baggage (what else is new?), the numerous fall-flat-on-face episodes, lull periods of unproductiveness, the unfortunate meetings of acquaintances better off dead. and so on, everyone's usual everyday life-stuff. if anything, the reaction time of composure regain has been on a steady increase after each set back so it's all good.
I thought 2006 had been a great year. well 2007 turned out greatergreater. sure it was a year of What Next's, for many months even, surprise surprise, I had absolutely no clue to which chapter in life I was supposed to embark upon and it was a lot of 'grabbing at things blindly'. may I say this again - can you believe I was a freaking teacher in a freaking secondary school for one whole semester? oh anyway that doesn't matter now because honestly, teaching would be my absolute last resort to a career... or just until I am all old and wrinkly or something. not that I HATE teaching, I just don't enjoy blood vomiting. then again one could argue the reason is merely because I do not know how to teach properly BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT NOW IS IT but yes blahddeedah I grew through all of that emerged a better person all mentally spiritually physically etcetcetc. so it's all good, AGAIN.
wow I suck at this. hmmm yes so not too long ago I landed a terrific job (terrific is a bloody understatement - just imagine; NO SUNDAY/MONDAY/ANYTHING BLUES, NO PRE/POST-WORK DREADFUL FEELINGS, TOTAL ANTICIPATION FOR START OF WORK, FOR LUNCH, FOR END OF WORK TO GO TO SLEEP SO TOMORROW IS WORK AGAIN just kidding about the last part, ETC.) and hopefully my thoughts stay GENERALLY consistent at least, throughout my time with them. this HAS to be the ultimate highlight of 2007 as many characteristically interesting individuals come with the job too so it is all veryvery visually/thought provokingly entertaining, everyday.
so all in all 2007 had been an excellent year, here's to an even better 2008 and to end off, a little peek into a world of amusement; something I call my day job.
December 31, 2007
December 19, 2007
pictures from google
Olivia is in fervent anticipation of Bus Shelter Shoot at 11pm today
and again at 6:30am on Friday
Posted by olivia at 3:57:00 PM
December 15, 2007
there seem to be some sort of scripting error on the blog. well hopefully it is temporary, for Now is certainly not the right moment to place html rendering in consideration. not that I'm in a lousy mood but there many other matters that require immediate attention...
to complete the reading of 7 (not literally) literary works, one of which includes a freaking canon eos400d instructional manual.
working up a moxie to get through an anticipated Events Marathon -
7pm-9pm > 'leisure reading' at guthrie house
9pm-12am > grocery shopping/cooking
12am-4am > movie marathon
4am-9am > drive home/nap
9am-3pm > brekkie/shoot at tanjong pagar
3pm-5pm > more 'leisure reading'
5pm-9pm > quality time with lovelyness
anddddddddd that marks the end of the weekend. it is and will be all good despite the flux in activities, seeing how I woke from slumber only at 1pm today (SUFFICIENT SLEEP) and monday's gonna be (hopefully!) another slow day, like thursday and friday had been. boon is out of town and it is Totally unreal that andres and I have not received a single email from him since he left.
anyway I am positively in love with and awe of the new camera and accessories we acquired last saturday. tomorrow's shoot with nasehr is going to be a Great Affair and that means pictures next week ok. probably will upload some of my cubicle too. it is becoming a space of amusement by small doses, with the 'cute' Singapore Design Festival hat/frame catalogue collage, the Amazing!New!Camera!And!Its!Lenses! and of course, us, the artisticallyfartysillycrazy occupants of o&o FO. <3
Posted by olivia at 4:21:00 PM
December 3, 2007
the problem with
hi-res. beautiful photographs + overloaded imac = SUPER SLOWNESS + LOW PRODUCTIVITY
boss we need an upgrade please
Posted by olivia at 6:58:00 PM
December 2, 2007
TODAY HAD BEEN EVENTFUL. slumber was til noon after lunch (sorry but I tend to be a complete pig sometimes especially when there is nothing planned in the mornings) and then it was off to pasir ris for a (more so an attempt of...) HEALTHY skate session. the muscles we 'worked on' most were probably our facial muscles. well I'm not sure just how many years these ... (cavepeople?) friends of mine lived in caves for before today but they were real amused amazed at everything pasir ris park, in particular this bridge built between a span out to sea and the flow into a reservoir. there must have been at least a hundred photographs taken, between us all :) we managed several good shots, myself included and that's a quite a rarity as I usually would rather shoot than be shot (because not photogenic so why waste effort right LOL.)
after that was a ride to marina south for some steamboat and grill buffet....... less than an hour into it we were all stuffed and some needed to relieve their rectums of built up STUFF and with me it was generally air. LOL. we decided to ta pao some food ILLEGALLY because there was wayyy too much food that would have gone to waste if we didn't... and it wouldn't make sense to pay more money for not finishing it because well the food STILL goes to waste doesn't it?
so we headed back towards TPE (that was the plan anyway) but for some reason ended up at changi airport. then we thought OH WE COULD VISIT THE SSPANKKINGG NEW GRAND AMAZING TERMINAL 3 but well we were in the wrong lane and traffic was heavy. LOL. got back to punggol and were all oh we're gonna go skate again at that really nice roof garden but then all of a sudden HEY LET'S GO TO THE BEACH INSTEAD! SO, we bought some drinks and probably spent like over 2 hours at the really windy a bit chilly, nice chilly beach... just talking talking talking talking talking talking talking talking sharing talking talking sharing talking our asses off. and it became this ... bonding thing, an outlet for emotional release... well individually it seems, we each have rather conflicting issues to deal with o.O
all in all it was good, our friendship is on a heightened ground now and I FINALLY learned the truthiesttruth behind Oblivious Olivia LOL. SORRY THAT MY ATTITUDE SUCKED SHIT, I WAS YOUNG AND ... OBLIVIOUS. LOL. it was also a good break from the strange and kurious 5 day week I had... today I could be real honest up front and truthful without worrying about stepping on toes or annoying someone or causing casualties. well I try to be that all the time but for most of the time, it isn't accompanied without... consequences, unfortunately.
it really does get kind of shitty to be new and thrown in the midst of office politics
in other news, my boyfriend was diagnosed a concussion due to an accidental knock out with the opposing team during rugby match earlier and he's asleep now hope vitC works fast and has his right brain healed by the time he wakes <3
Posted by olivia at 2:15:00 AM
November 29, 2007
how is tab TV supposed to be provokingly interesting?
I reallyreally intended to be home early... alas, it was another incredibly long day - no I did not wake at 6 again to be at work before 8, but andres (this columbian graphic designer whom I work closely with and share a space with, we are the only two creative persons in team front office) and I were in the office til near 8 with boon (my boss), who came to speak with us regarding our assignments and then towards the end he enthusiastically showed us videos of amazingly well done post productions of architectural animation. and then we forgot the time
so tomorrow is movie marathon cum pig out night with regina, hopefully I will be able to meet her on time in the evening and more importantly... NOT FALL ASLEEP DURING THE MARATHON. :)
saturday is pasir ris park with angeline then maaaaaaybe a dinner date after... working on proj papabear is definitely out of the question UNLESS! sunday's stay-home (HINT) because I promised to have a design out by this weekend when I met my client at victor khor's piano recital 2 days ago! oh he performed some really interesting chris o'riley radiohead arrangements (can you imagine Airbag on piano?) by the way, among others. it would have been much more interesting if he had played stuff of his own though... sigh I am going to make sure this is the last freelance assignment... well the recent weekend arts mart Was supposed to be the last, but who in the right mind says no to a director of trcc, MY BOYFRIEND'S BOSS when it, in actual fact, is definitely not un-doable (not without losing rest time at least) AND when he was staring down at my tableful of self painted tee shirts while describing what he has in mind on his. PICTURES THIS WEEKEND OK. HOPEFULLY. :X
anyway, sorry about my lack of replies or incoherent replies or lame ass replies to friends who would ask about the job every now and then, and schnyp, for some reason that is unknown to me, who keeps asking after boon........... (WHY AREN'T YOU MORE CONCERNED ABOUT ME HUH ALTHOUGH HE IS THE RATHER-ODDNESS!) but I am less confused at work now (that doesn't mean less busy!) about all the tabulating cross checking and the general matching of projects to their respective images/photos... well isn't life great. to be honest, the best part about all of this is being able to see architecture and interior and landscape designs all the time because I get to plough through certain projects that are simply
(also, there is a Whole Cupboard full of architectural/ID/art mags/books...
Posted by olivia at 9:48:00 PM
November 27, 2007
merely two days and it already feels like I have been away in outer space for forever
(the perfectness)
(10,000km apart on hari raya according to schnyp)
(al fresco good for health and you and me)
(back in the day during a senseless critque session -
can you see? we are in (from t-b) in 1)disgust/2)horror/3)shock of the projs on display heh)
(miss kingkong wannabe but cannot make it)
the past two days were longgggg ones (0830-1905, 0745-1835), yes I reached work at freaking 7:45am today... there is this insanely tedious and confusing assignment to be completed before I probably could start proper sigh... tedious because I have to cross check projects dating from year 2000 onwards with brochures with images with photos with commencement dates with completion dates with site data YOU GET THE IDEA. confusing because I am not entirely sure where to look in for these things sometimes. life definitely would be easier though, for andres (this guy I'm supposed to be working closely with) and I, once these things are categorized properly and listed in the right places so what the hell... just gonna get this done and over with
these days I may complain whine and bitch about the work in my job, but at any given second I am also always most grateful to this opportunity; to be able to learn a shitload of new stuff and experience a shitload of new things, stuff and things that I actually give a hoot about, and basically meet a shitload of new strange interesting intriguing and of course an entirely new range of annoying people. it just gets better because the seniors at work are aware of my super newbie situation but they are still super willing to be mentors. with the added challenge to be absorb new knowledge every single day at work it just makes me wanna be 200% more hardworking and driven to excel because seriously, seldom would one find this sort of enthusiasm in things they are most familiar with isn't it? AND JUST BECAUSE I CAN.
bottom line, if olivia doesn't feel bored be bored act bored or fall asleep
you know it's something worthy of being enthusiastically hardworking for
it's another 0745 tomorrow
Posted by olivia at 11:49:00 PM
November 25, 2007
OMG so tired hardly able to type properly
so Many things to be updated yet I'M JUST TOOOOOOO TIREDDDDDDD NOOOO ENERGGYYYYY AND MOOOOOOOODDDD AND THAT'S ALL I WANNA SAYYYYYYYYYYY also, a list of self reminders for SUNDAY MY LAST DAY OF 'FREEDOM' no more IDLING, no more TV MORNINGS WITH BRUNCH, no more DOING THIS THAT THIS THAT AS AND WHEN I LIKE JUST BECAUSE I FRIGGIN CAN, no more/lesser FREELANCING... well there are ups as well but I will blog about them when they actually happen ok.
> deposit $
> photocopy documents
> confirm t shirt meet up with jay's mom
> buy stationery for note taking
> write list of questions for HR person
> prepare bag of tools to avoid looking like dumbass on first day
> image research+draw up a couple of drafts for the PAPA BEAR PROJ
> search for jay's shoebag and small surprise gift JUST BECAUSE HE HAS BEEN THE PERFECT BF LATELY <3 hope he is too freaking busy to read this before tuesday
Posted by olivia at 2:06:00 AM
November 16, 2007
every waking hour
every waking minute
every waking second
the same difference
there are things to be updated but right now I am far too occupied
'til after the madness after the waiting and the tests then
Posted by olivia at 11:50:00 PM
November 8, 2007
the last time I was THIS excited and psyched about a career-academic related proposition must have been... after O's, when I was working on my very first and brand new portfolio for admission to the then LaSalle-SIA. it is now just LASALLE by the way, guess they saved enough over the years to be able to drop SIA. if you knew me, you would probably know too that examinations and the whole yadayada high ranking blahdeeda are issues that would bother me least unless they are of some significant value to my ideal lifestyle. which is really quite the unconventional, in the eyes of many practical minds. these days when I check gmail I hyperventilate a little, as I am expecting a 2nd reply from ONG&ONG ARCHITECTS. well hopefully all that help schnyp gave doesn't go to waste, and they find something hire-able out of me.
as in the words of my mom, sometimes things happen out of sheer luck
Posted by olivia at 12:06:00 AM
November 5, 2007
since the beginning with Awareness of Life, it often takes a while for me to stomach situations that involve happenings not heading in the direction I want them to, particularly if there are no options nor a leeway in my favour. this might just be one viable factor of the spoilt brat syndrome. more often than not, I have been largely dependable on the use of psychogenic methods and insanely straightfoward reason and logic that people tend to miss sometimes, to getting things where I want them to be. because I simply cannot be the bigger person who could allow life to happen other wise, not at my expense anyway.
that was me being painfully honest
well today marks the day where there could be change... there it is, the little space of potential that I could work on to turn my deepavali around. instead it seems like I am ready to welcome missing open house at jay's so someone else could take time off. the cards are in my hands; if I played it right and had someone fill this position (that was forced upon me) I would be there to meet everyone that matter in year 2007 of my boyfriend's life. that is pretty damn important isn't it?
if this is what grown upness is all about, then to describe it sucky is the understatement of ten thousand lifetimes
in other news, I totally miss my ps Songs for the emotionally wounded album. damn those people who borrow stuff and keep telling you they will return it but never do. and you have to keep chasing after them like they owe you money. what pisses me off even more is this particular guy went all 'in my honest opinion' the album sucks ass and yet for some reason the moron's been holding on to it for close to 2 years. it didn't seem necessary then, to explain my sentimental attachment to that record. perhaps if I did, he wouldn't be such a jerk. an intelligent human being with rotten ethics. how does that happen?
and also I wish I had taken time to title all song compilations I burned on cds ages ago. sigh
A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart
Posted by olivia at 1:23:00 AM
October 25, 2007
taken on 22 oct 07
the frantic trendy use of recyclable grocery bags isn't gonna help much is it >:(
Posted by olivia at 2:19:00 PM
October 23, 2007
So this is finally the longgggg over due PART(ii) post of youknowthisthatwhat. I seriously should be heading to sleep already, clinic G appt. is less than 8 hours away. @!#KL@!#L!#$ PICTURE EDITING.
Anyway, here goes the story telling of the birthday affair extravagantly and meticulously planned by my lovely.
the journey started at the taxi stand of PS where I was made to blindfold myself throughout the entire ride til the room of the hotel we were gonna spend our mini getaway at. of course, I whined the entire time and was quite un corporative but sigh those antics did not win me out of the blindfolding. and nope I did not trip over whatever or poke anyone in the eye...... it turned out that the little sillyness had booked THE GLASS OBSERVATORY ROOM at gallery, one of the 3 existing boutique hotels on our humble little island. upon entering the room and banging my funny bone against the door frame, I tasted something bitter in my mouth while stuff was sprinkled on my skin. he bought a bubble machine from toysRus and it is green in colour! whatever would I do with a bubble machine? it is a really nice thought though, knowing how I can be obsessed with rubbish things like bubbles and glass houses. so anyway, a pretty bouquet of 21 roses was presented to me and he also gave me an ANG BAO (..........).
my first thoughts were, 'What the hell?!?!?! this totally spoils the mood man... ANG BAO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!' alas, it was (fortunately) not an ordinary ang bao filled with money, but with a $200 m1 voucher. why would he give me a freaking m1 voucher you would think. well it is because few weeks before my birthday I told him over and over again that he MUSTN'T buy me another handphone since he already gave me one couple of years back. so this smart aleck went and got me the voucher that I can use to buy the phone instead. I dunno whether to tickle him or thank him.......
the room was not as grand as some of the others that we had been to before, but it was good enough. the bathroom was an interesting fusion of minimalist zen with supposedly sensual sounding names for its toiletries and the main area was littered with bright colours. he couldn't get a king sized bed so we had to settle with a queen instead. it wasn't squeezy but our legs stuck out. anyway the room is called the observatory glass room because of its glass windows obviously. hmmm but I thought the concept of the interior was rather poorly presented. the architecture of the hotel really looks much better. oh and we ordered a BLT sandwich, IT WAS DAMN GOOD. SERIOUSLY THE BEST SANDWICH EVER!!!! it came with fries and everything was still piping hot and super tasty! anyway after checking out every single service offered and functions of the room, we decided to go for a movie and dinner.
the weather was perfect that saturday, so we took a nice walk from the hotel to the bus stop near UE SQ. got our tickets for I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry then walked about a bit before heading to Rendezvous Hotel, where he had placed a reservation for dinner at straits cafe. we were like half an hour early because he couldn't wait to be at what had looked like a reallllyyy delicious buffet on the many occasions we passed it by but never got down to paying it a visit... the spread was impressive alright, but sadly nothing screamed FANTASTIC. it was like an above the average international buffet spread.
see his cream moustach from the ice cream coffee he was having. the glint in his eye was from playing with his green laser pointer before dinner. on the left is sushi and salad on the right the dessert spread...
for some reason we could not really eat much that night but we did spend quite some time at the cafe...
taking rubbish photos... you cannot possibly miss the place if you are a frequent town go-er, it has glassglassglassglass allll aroundddd the cafe that could be seen from the outside.
oh they had fresh oyster and sashimi, which I did not take but the BF said it was fresh. sashimi was sliced way too thickly though. and there was the SuperSpicy laksa, that I did not have either. the replacement of chilli crab - cray fish. with man to-s (the fried china dough thing). they had crab but only pepper crab and err boiled ones... which we did not have I TOLD YOU WE COULD NOT EAT MUCH . . . . and the roast duck tasted quite crappy... the fish was good and this mango sago dessert that was deeeeeeeliiiiiiciousssssssssssssss.
when you're bored and super full you tend to observe other people. so there was this odd skinny muscular japanese lady who sat alone and seemed to have eaten A LOT, even more than both of us added together. she read her japanese newspaper and ate at the same time. while I was in the toilet she stuck her fingers down her throat in the cubicle next to me and out came everything she had. a while later we saw her back at the table EATINGANDEATINGANDEATINGANDEATING AGAIN. then there was this old couple with the wife that had her husband get all the food for her while she sits royally on her ass. well isn't life sweet.
anywayyyy after eatingandeatingandshittingandeating, on our way back to the picturehouse we watched the SMU drum group (forgot what they are called but their instructor is this guy from Wicked Aura) practice for a while and they kind of sucked. bumped into atikus on the way, watched the movie that was rather lengthy for a comedy, then made our way back to the hotel, zapping every single building in farrrr sight during the walk. :):):) that made up for when he simply refused to let me zap some bugger's leg that was propped up a few rows down from us in the theatre.
the next day we slept in and slept in and in and in and had a late check out... got lunch at PS, some unfulfilling expensive KFC then walked a bit before parting ways... went home and immediately took apart the bouquet of flowers lest they start rotting at the stems.
fresh flowers are simply beautiful. well anyway the roses aren't around anymore... they wilted faster than the single red rose lovelyness bought me couple of days before the getaway. he says he now knows cheap roses last longer than expensive ones.
we come to the end of this wonderful event made superwonderful by my dearest jay. I'll cut the mushiness and get to the point - I truly had a great and pleasant time that weekend, getaways with you are alwaysalways nice, with or without surprises because I really am able to literally get away, from everything else in the world, in life, and into this space where there is only you and I.
if I could, I would recommend getaways to every single couple in the universe. camping in a tent also counted ok.
THANK YOU DEARNESS, for making my 21st birthday forever memorable. as I blog this, it almost seems like the weekend happened only yesterday. even more so with when we first met at at tapestry 2003 :)

Posted by olivia at 3:12:00 AM
October 22, 2007
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Posted by olivia at 11:15:00 PM
October 9, 2007
oh goshhhhhhhhh I am sooo lazy to updateeeeeeeee auuughghhrhrhrrrrr zzz .z .z z.zzzz.......... . . .
Posted by olivia at 9:31:00 PM
October 5, 2007
Those who feel the breath of sadness
sit down next to me
Those who find theyre touched by madness
sit down next to me
Those who find themselves ridiculous
sit down next to me
Love, in fear, in hate, in tears
-sit down, James
Posted by olivia at 12:24:00 AM
September 29, 2007
part I: twenty second september '07
kids warm up to strangers with cameras really really fast!
the last two shots are a classic display of expressions
1-What the Hell... 2-Bloody nonsense, I am wayyy too old for this.
here are shots of about half the food we had
Jay was the main chef and he stirred up some 'srooms and 'sparagus on the grill!
note-what seems like a mushroom was actually a marshmallow.
note2-no we did not freaking wrap charcoal in foil, those were root vegggies!
just some random artistic happy shots of some barbeque-ers
oh yah, who is that auntie with the freaking trolley?
the Other participants
some annoying person kept telling me that my mom looks like my sister...
tsk tsk tsk. look at this person.
So freaking retarded can!
(especially fun for a certain Suaku person)
the ride home!
look at how delighted these people are to be piled into a good 'ol mini van
nasehr quit falling asleep.
pictures taken by nasehr and myself!
thanks for all the food&greatcompany.
lantern cum pig out fest 2007 was a success! <3
specialNote-thanks for all the birthday wishes my friends!
THANKS FOR BOOKS WITH 2000 RECIPES THAT WILL LAST ME A LIFE TIME! (you must be wondering walao who sia so freaking psycho?!?!?!?!)
thanks yc & angeline for the cake! couldn't finish it!
Posted by olivia at 12:17:00 AM
September 19, 2007
awesomeness - these videos made my day
a NYC design firm with an office-made MV! oh it's been such a long while since I listened to harvey danger......
and a spontaneous music video in the middle of two main roads. nasehr had a similar aspiration too, to display mass coordinated movements in town or anywhere crowded. who's up for it ar? we need a MASS OF PEOPLE !
Posted by olivia at 2:07:00 PM
September 15, 2007
I realise there had been less of these cryptic blog entries, compared to what was written in the last year anyway (which was not much). the short food-photo-taking phase has long passed and we're probably in the Random-photo-shot theme right now. current Song-of-the-day is what you're hearing on the clip below this entry, where we re live the rawness of local recordings that I was head over heels in love with once upon a time. random alternative-music-album-downloads feed on my bandwidth during daytime, while I indulge in a-many tv series and movies to feed an imagination that comes alive during dreams in sleep. as music is re introduced into my life, it is now apparent the heartbreak, the heartache, that had it sent away is undeniably inevitable.
well this might just be a sign that it's about time things come a full circle
Posted by olivia at 3:55:00 AM
September 10, 2007
September 9, 2007
September 1, 2007
september: a month of the perpetual Crammer
some long over due errands and important,important,important things to clear off the list -
02 sunday > buy plain t shirt + watch FUR the dvd that should have been watched a thousand years ago
03 monday > call for re appointment at CLINIC G + deal with t shirt design + wash/grease/ride bike
04/05 tuesday/wednesday > collect money + finalise design + call the friggin asus service centre
06 thursday > GET A HAIR CUT + paint t shirt + work on 01portfolio
07 friday > paint 1/2 stack of flyers
oh mighty invisible power of pressure, let your magic work its wonders of chasing PERPETUAL PROCRASTINATOR back into the realm of non existence
question of the day - which is more effective; cramming or procrastinating?
Posted by olivia at 12:59:00 PM
August 30, 2007
the amazing thing about painting - every stroke, every smudge, every wipe is yours.
entirely yours, yours, yours
And so ever personal.
happy birthday sweetness <3
Posted by olivia at 4:42:00 PM
August 20, 2007
I Love end-of-season sales ! <3<3<3<3<3
oh alright I'm just a regular sucker like anyone else, for discounts/clearance THERE I've said it JEEZ .
why does it matter anyway? what's important is that I'm one happy camper. <3
well just don't remind me about the monetary damage it has done .
Posted by olivia at 10:40:00 PM
August 16, 2007
August 15, 2007
of chicken and other stuff but mostly chicken:
before I could think about photo taking, I had already picked at one quarter of each chicken my mom roasted SIGH... I'll definitely remember to do so the next time I roast one myself. mom chanced upon some good deal at shop n save today, two reasonably sized chickens for 6 bucks. this other crazy auntie was there and bought like a whole shop n save trolley full . another auntie shared that she was gonna remove all the bones from the 4 chickens she bought and boil the flesh to death so that she gets chicken essence (?) anyway my mom's gonna go back to get more tomorrow, if there is any left.
both roasted chickens turned out beautifully today.
one was literally DRIPPING with honey, with the brown glazed skin and all like after a good spa+tan treatment HAHA. the other smelled and tasted really earthy, roasted only with salt and roughly broken garlic. both were absolutely tender to the bite.
I have taken the initiative to provide visual aid found by good ol google, in case my description was super lousy...
if you dunno how to cook, just go to a chicken place nearest to you (NOW) ok. kenny roger's is highly recommended because they have those DELICIOUS sides of macaroni and cheeeeseee and mashed potatoes SLURP. if not, KFC will do la.
oh I gonna go eat BK breakfast tomorrow or on friday morning.
if you haven't had BK breakfast before, pls don't wait for me to rave about it to you ok. because chances are lower that I'd be a raving mad woman in the morning. too much suspension and anticipation is bad for your erm heart. capiche?
Posted by olivia at 7:20:00 PM
August 10, 2007
Piece of white on a Hot, Crispy day at the beach
shot by nat with perspective
these days I am less tolerant of crappy customer service.
think this is called Getting Old
Posted by olivia at 11:54:00 PM
August 5, 2007
July 30, 2007
2) criminal minds s1 (done with, unfortunately)
3) good seafood + company the day before yesterday <3
4) and one happy Aggie the cat in the sun on my laptop (happy not for long)
Posted by olivia at 10:53:00 PM
July 25, 2007
A series of Events
when I started school here, academic results actually meant something to me for the first time in my life. it had been a place stuffed with more possibilities than anywhere else public in Singapore. artistic expression meant not being stopped even if you paraded around school in swimming trunks and nothing else, humping every non living thing in sight. I'm going to miss everything wonderful crumbling peeling and smelly in that dear old place <3
father made me bring the van to workshop. interesting find-out of the day: they don't go under vehicles using sleds on floor anymore! other than that everything else was rather boring . z.
watercolour pencils are The Bomb
this manneqUIN is definitely in one of her better days; at least she is being watched, and not buried under some mountain of cds/books/papers. yes my room is no longer in that terrifying mess. even mr Echo decided to return
later in the night we will watch simpsons the movie. can't believe we even got the same simpsons tshirt to wear because bossini is quite mad, 1 for $23 2 for $26. we hardly ever have anything identical done. sweetness <3
ps. there IS a limit to couple identical-ness, too much just becomes TACKYTACKYTACKY
Posted by olivia at 12:22:00 AM
July 19, 2007
Breakfast today for mom & I:
...gone in 15 minutes
scrambled eggs with cheese, toast, baked beans. this turned out to be much more photogenic than the chicken stew we had some evenings ago, where the chicken parts, carrots, celery, potatoes and tomatoes turned into a delicious mush after 2 hours of simmering.
and then there is the home made kiwi jam done last night;
I probably should consider using a better camera........
but the lumpy parts in the jam are actually halved apples, put in for their pectin. 15 kiwis, 2.5 cups of sugar, 2 apples, 1 lemon and 1/4 cup of pineapple juice were used. I took a teeny taste of it and decided that kiwi is still far too sharp for my liking, cooked or not. my mom thinks it's tastier and less sugary than the strawberry jam from marks & spencer's though
anyone wants recipes for other stuff just lemme know ok <3
Posted by olivia at 1:34:00 PM
July 7, 2007
my bf said:
How is live earth encouraging the conservation of energy if the amount of power used for its concert events is equivalent to having 10 houses run on electricity for an entire year?
Posted by olivia at 11:40:00 PM
July 4, 2007
my mom thought it would not work. sure it was odd dumping spoonfuls of chunky peanut butter into creamed sugar and butter before the other ingredients...
but what smelled like milo and biscuits from the living room turned out to be the perfect show of harmony between sweetness and saltiness despite the skepticism, mine included. you could say it was like eating peanut butter and jelly, minus all the goo and purple. this savoury peanut butter cookie is almost comparable to almond ones!
got a sudden hankering for comfort foods (read:carb&protein) and since I'm done with dessert and snack experiments, probably gonna tear away from good ol' baked pasta with lots of Cheese and Cheeeken and try stew or roast for dinner one of these days...
Posted by olivia at 9:36:00 PM
June 25, 2007
the annoyingly apprehensive feeling of a first school day week came lingering about during post awakening today. who am I kidding? i could never go back. not there. and not until I run out of options anyway
ironically enough, there is a scheduled meeting in school at 3pm with fud and the drama instructor on prop painting... should be some fun
definitely beats facing pre monday AND monday blues
Posted by olivia at 11:16:00 AM
June 19, 2007
although it looks like roti prata or roti john, it is neither ok . and all the recipe articles that I have read were absolutely right about this chewysoursweetishperfectwithtea-like lemon dessert.
IT IS @*!)@$!#$* ADDICTIVE.
on a different note
friends on the receiving end should be advised, for a baking rampage might have been triggered
Posted by olivia at 2:57:00 PM
June 16, 2007
after weeks the oven came home yesterday. today we gave it a good big apple crumble/muffin welcome and filled the house full of cinnamon niceness (:(:
Posted by olivia at 2:47:00 PM