October 25, 2007

taken on 22 oct 07

the frantic trendy use of recyclable grocery bags isn't gonna help much is it >:(

October 23, 2007

So this is finally the longgggg over due PART(ii) post of youknowthisthatwhat. I seriously should be heading to sleep already, clinic G appt. is less than 8 hours away. @!#KL@!#L!#$ PICTURE EDITING.

Anyway, here goes the story telling of the birthday affair extravagantly and meticulously planned by my lovely.

the journey started at the taxi stand of PS where I was made to blindfold myself throughout the entire ride til the room of the hotel we were gonna spend our mini getaway at. of course, I whined the entire time and was quite un corporative but sigh those antics did not win me out of the blindfolding. and nope I did not trip over whatever or poke anyone in the eye...... it turned out that the little sillyness had booked THE GLASS OBSERVATORY ROOM at gallery, one of the 3 existing boutique hotels on our humble little island. upon entering the room and banging my funny bone against the door frame, I tasted something bitter in my mouth while stuff was sprinkled on my skin. he bought a bubble machine from toysRus and it is green in colour! whatever would I do with a bubble machine? it is a really nice thought though, knowing how I can be obsessed with rubbish things like bubbles and glass houses. so anyway, a pretty bouquet of 21 roses was presented to me and he also gave me an ANG BAO (..........).

my first thoughts were, 'What the hell?!?!?! this totally spoils the mood man... ANG BAO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!' alas, it was (fortunately) not an ordinary ang bao filled with money, but with a $200 m1 voucher. why would he give me a freaking m1 voucher you would think. well it is because few weeks before my birthday I told him over and over again that he MUSTN'T buy me another handphone since he already gave me one couple of years back. so this smart aleck went and got me the voucher that I can use to buy the phone instead. I dunno whether to tickle him or thank him.......

the room was not as grand as some of the others that we had been to before, but it was good enough. the bathroom was an interesting fusion of minimalist zen with supposedly sensual sounding names for its toiletries and the main area was littered with bright colours. he couldn't get a king sized bed so we had to settle with a queen instead. it wasn't squeezy but our legs stuck out. anyway the room is called the observatory glass room because of its glass windows obviously. hmmm but I thought the concept of the interior was rather poorly presented. the architecture of the hotel really looks much better. oh and we ordered a BLT sandwich, IT WAS DAMN GOOD. SERIOUSLY THE BEST SANDWICH EVER!!!! it came with fries and everything was still piping hot and super tasty! anyway after checking out every single service offered and functions of the room, we decided to go for a movie and dinner.

the weather was perfect that saturday, so we took a nice walk from the hotel to the bus stop near UE SQ. got our tickets for I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry then walked about a bit before heading to Rendezvous Hotel, where he had placed a reservation for dinner at straits cafe. we were like half an hour early because he couldn't wait to be at what had looked like a reallllyyy delicious buffet on the many occasions we passed it by but never got down to paying it a visit... the spread was impressive alright, but sadly nothing screamed FANTASTIC. it was like an above the average international buffet spread.

see his cream moustach from the ice cream coffee he was having. the glint in his eye was from playing with his green laser pointer before dinner. on the left is sushi and salad on the right the dessert spread...

for some reason we could not really eat much that night but we did spend quite some time at the cafe...

taking rubbish photos... you cannot possibly miss the place if you are a frequent town go-er, it has glassglassglassglass allll aroundddd the cafe that could be seen from the outside.

oh they had fresh oyster and sashimi, which I did not take but the BF said it was fresh. sashimi was sliced way too thickly though. and there was the SuperSpicy laksa, that I did not have either. the replacement of chilli crab - cray fish. with man to-s (the fried china dough thing). they had crab but only pepper crab and err boiled ones... which we did not have I TOLD YOU WE COULD NOT EAT MUCH . . . . and the roast duck tasted quite crappy... the fish was good and this mango sago dessert that was deeeeeeeliiiiiiciousssssssssssssss.

when you're bored and super full you tend to observe other people. so there was this odd skinny muscular japanese lady who sat alone and seemed to have eaten A LOT, even more than both of us added together. she read her japanese newspaper and ate at the same time. while I was in the toilet she stuck her fingers down her throat in the cubicle next to me and out came everything she had. a while later we saw her back at the table EATINGANDEATINGANDEATINGANDEATING AGAIN. then there was this old couple with the wife that had her husband get all the food for her while she sits royally on her ass. well isn't life sweet.

anywayyyy after eatingandeatingandshittingandeating, on our way back to the picturehouse we watched the SMU drum group (forgot what they are called but their instructor is this guy from Wicked Aura) practice for a while and they kind of sucked. bumped into atikus on the way, watched the movie that was rather lengthy for a comedy, then made our way back to the hotel, zapping every single building in farrrr sight during the walk. :):):) that made up for when he simply refused to let me zap some bugger's leg that was propped up a few rows down from us in the theatre.

the next day we slept in and slept in and in and in and had a late check out... got lunch at PS, some unfulfilling expensive KFC then walked a bit before parting ways... went home and immediately took apart the bouquet of flowers lest they start rotting at the stems.

fresh flowers are simply beautiful. well anyway the roses aren't around anymore... they wilted faster than the single red rose lovelyness bought me couple of days before the getaway. he says he now knows cheap roses last longer than expensive ones.

we come to the end of this wonderful event made superwonderful by my dearest jay. I'll cut the mushiness and get to the point - I truly had a great and pleasant time that weekend, getaways with you are alwaysalways nice, with or without surprises because I really am able to literally get away, from everything else in the world, in life, and into this space where there is only you and I.

if I could, I would recommend getaways to every single couple in the universe. camping in a tent also counted ok.

THANK YOU DEARNESS, for making my 21st birthday forever memorable. as I blog this, it almost seems like the weekend happened only yesterday. even more so with when we first met at at tapestry 2003 :)

October 22, 2007

You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

October 9, 2007

oh goshhhhhhhhh I am sooo lazy to updateeeeeeeee auuughghhrhrhrrrrr zzz .z .z z.zzzz.......... . . .

October 5, 2007

Those who feel the breath of sadness
sit down next to me
Those who find theyre touched by madness
sit down next to me
Those who find themselves ridiculous
sit down next to me
Love, in fear, in hate, in tears

-sit down, James