how is tab TV supposed to be provokingly interesting?
I reallyreally intended to be home early... alas, it was another incredibly long day - no I did not wake at 6 again to be at work before 8, but andres (this columbian graphic designer whom I work closely with and share a space with, we are the only two creative persons in team front office) and I were in the office til near 8 with boon (my boss), who came to speak with us regarding our assignments and then towards the end he enthusiastically showed us videos of amazingly well done post productions of architectural animation. and then we forgot the time
so tomorrow is movie marathon cum pig out night with regina, hopefully I will be able to meet her on time in the evening and more importantly... NOT FALL ASLEEP DURING THE MARATHON. :)
saturday is pasir ris park with angeline then maaaaaaybe a dinner date after... working on proj papabear is definitely out of the question UNLESS! sunday's stay-home (HINT) because I promised to have a design out by this weekend when I met my client at victor khor's piano recital 2 days ago! oh he performed some really interesting chris o'riley radiohead arrangements (can you imagine Airbag on piano?) by the way, among others. it would have been much more interesting if he had played stuff of his own though... sigh I am going to make sure this is the last freelance assignment... well the recent weekend arts mart Was supposed to be the last, but who in the right mind says no to a director of trcc, MY BOYFRIEND'S BOSS when it, in actual fact, is definitely not un-doable (not without losing rest time at least) AND when he was staring down at my tableful of self painted tee shirts while describing what he has in mind on his. PICTURES THIS WEEKEND OK. HOPEFULLY. :X
anyway, sorry about my lack of replies or incoherent replies or lame ass replies to friends who would ask about the job every now and then, and schnyp, for some reason that is unknown to me, who keeps asking after boon........... (WHY AREN'T YOU MORE CONCERNED ABOUT ME HUH ALTHOUGH HE IS THE RATHER-ODDNESS!) but I am less confused at work now (that doesn't mean less busy!) about all the tabulating cross checking and the general matching of projects to their respective images/photos... well isn't life great. to be honest, the best part about all of this is being able to see architecture and interior and landscape designs all the time because I get to plough through certain projects that are simply
(also, there is a Whole Cupboard full of architectural/ID/art mags/books...
November 29, 2007
November 27, 2007
merely two days and it already feels like I have been away in outer space for forever
(the perfectness)
(10,000km apart on hari raya according to schnyp)
(al fresco good for health and you and me)
(back in the day during a senseless critque session -
can you see? we are in (from t-b) in 1)disgust/2)horror/3)shock of the projs on display heh)
(miss kingkong wannabe but cannot make it)
the past two days were longgggg ones (0830-1905, 0745-1835), yes I reached work at freaking 7:45am today... there is this insanely tedious and confusing assignment to be completed before I probably could start proper sigh... tedious because I have to cross check projects dating from year 2000 onwards with brochures with images with photos with commencement dates with completion dates with site data YOU GET THE IDEA. confusing because I am not entirely sure where to look in for these things sometimes. life definitely would be easier though, for andres (this guy I'm supposed to be working closely with) and I, once these things are categorized properly and listed in the right places so what the hell... just gonna get this done and over with
these days I may complain whine and bitch about the work in my job, but at any given second I am also always most grateful to this opportunity; to be able to learn a shitload of new stuff and experience a shitload of new things, stuff and things that I actually give a hoot about, and basically meet a shitload of new strange interesting intriguing and of course an entirely new range of annoying people. it just gets better because the seniors at work are aware of my super newbie situation but they are still super willing to be mentors. with the added challenge to be absorb new knowledge every single day at work it just makes me wanna be 200% more hardworking and driven to excel because seriously, seldom would one find this sort of enthusiasm in things they are most familiar with isn't it? AND JUST BECAUSE I CAN.
bottom line, if olivia doesn't feel bored be bored act bored or fall asleep
you know it's something worthy of being enthusiastically hardworking for
it's another 0745 tomorrow
Posted by olivia at 11:49:00 PM
November 25, 2007
OMG so tired hardly able to type properly
so Many things to be updated yet I'M JUST TOOOOOOO TIREDDDDDDD NOOOO ENERGGYYYYY AND MOOOOOOOODDDD AND THAT'S ALL I WANNA SAYYYYYYYYYYY also, a list of self reminders for SUNDAY MY LAST DAY OF 'FREEDOM' no more IDLING, no more TV MORNINGS WITH BRUNCH, no more DOING THIS THAT THIS THAT AS AND WHEN I LIKE JUST BECAUSE I FRIGGIN CAN, no more/lesser FREELANCING... well there are ups as well but I will blog about them when they actually happen ok.
> deposit $
> photocopy documents
> confirm t shirt meet up with jay's mom
> buy stationery for note taking
> write list of questions for HR person
> prepare bag of tools to avoid looking like dumbass on first day
> image research+draw up a couple of drafts for the PAPA BEAR PROJ
> search for jay's shoebag and small surprise gift JUST BECAUSE HE HAS BEEN THE PERFECT BF LATELY <3 hope he is too freaking busy to read this before tuesday
Posted by olivia at 2:06:00 AM
November 16, 2007
every waking hour
every waking minute
every waking second
the same difference
there are things to be updated but right now I am far too occupied
'til after the madness after the waiting and the tests then
Posted by olivia at 11:50:00 PM
November 8, 2007
the last time I was THIS excited and psyched about a career-academic related proposition must have been... after O's, when I was working on my very first and brand new portfolio for admission to the then LaSalle-SIA. it is now just LASALLE by the way, guess they saved enough over the years to be able to drop SIA. if you knew me, you would probably know too that examinations and the whole yadayada high ranking blahdeeda are issues that would bother me least unless they are of some significant value to my ideal lifestyle. which is really quite the unconventional, in the eyes of many practical minds. these days when I check gmail I hyperventilate a little, as I am expecting a 2nd reply from ONG&ONG ARCHITECTS. well hopefully all that help schnyp gave doesn't go to waste, and they find something hire-able out of me.
as in the words of my mom, sometimes things happen out of sheer luck
Posted by olivia at 12:06:00 AM
November 5, 2007
since the beginning with Awareness of Life, it often takes a while for me to stomach situations that involve happenings not heading in the direction I want them to, particularly if there are no options nor a leeway in my favour. this might just be one viable factor of the spoilt brat syndrome. more often than not, I have been largely dependable on the use of psychogenic methods and insanely straightfoward reason and logic that people tend to miss sometimes, to getting things where I want them to be. because I simply cannot be the bigger person who could allow life to happen other wise, not at my expense anyway.
that was me being painfully honest
well today marks the day where there could be change... there it is, the little space of potential that I could work on to turn my deepavali around. instead it seems like I am ready to welcome missing open house at jay's so someone else could take time off. the cards are in my hands; if I played it right and had someone fill this position (that was forced upon me) I would be there to meet everyone that matter in year 2007 of my boyfriend's life. that is pretty damn important isn't it?
if this is what grown upness is all about, then to describe it sucky is the understatement of ten thousand lifetimes
in other news, I totally miss my ps Songs for the emotionally wounded album. damn those people who borrow stuff and keep telling you they will return it but never do. and you have to keep chasing after them like they owe you money. what pisses me off even more is this particular guy went all 'in my honest opinion' the album sucks ass and yet for some reason the moron's been holding on to it for close to 2 years. it didn't seem necessary then, to explain my sentimental attachment to that record. perhaps if I did, he wouldn't be such a jerk. an intelligent human being with rotten ethics. how does that happen?
and also I wish I had taken time to title all song compilations I burned on cds ages ago. sigh
A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart
Posted by olivia at 1:23:00 AM