April 20, 2008

This would be what they call a TotallyAwesomelyRandomPointless Blog Entry.

In light of recent events. Conclusion(s) - Publish-worthy, award-winning photographs that work; beautiful in composition and light, are now factors that do not suffice the humanly demand of what could be bigger, better. Dynamics are now important in play of composition thus spelling out the one and only one unfortunate mistake made repeatedly during last couple of shoots. That is, not having approached my subjects with the calm and uncaring of time that ticked away in its seconds, minutes and hours. Insufficient thought put into, a term familiar on flickr, 'interestingness'. Insufficient point of focus on subjects to discover from every nook and cranny, the bestest edge for the bestest frame possible.

So despite the template 'eye' functioning well in the template world of publications. Really, when my photographs are viewed in-depth. By a constant; a mentor, in other words. There honestly isn't much artistic value in presence. And this proves to be true when I confirm, the level of affection for a number of shoots lately... is of no comparison to what had been showflat of Boulevard Vue, or our beloved public bus shelters, just to name a few.

not all is bad though. Because this realisation only makes me (want to) strive to become bigger, better, stronger.

April 10, 2008

so it's been a while since 'recollect regroup rebalance rewhatever'. a little past bedtime now but am trying to catch a breather. today had been rather hectic albeit unproductive. the two selected sites to visit in the morning - a&a works on both facades. doesn't help when the previous week I discovered one of our really old jobs is now in the hands of DPA. nothing against them but it's a heartache. so imagine how much it sucked when I couldn't shoot proper today. FAR TOO SLOW, FAR TOO LATE, OLIVIA!

my graphic designer packed up and moved out today too. it isn't goodbye forever off you go back to the land of good coffee (among other sorts of vegetation) but here's the thing - WE CANNOT. FIND. A REPLACEMENT. who is as good as this one had been. sure, there is an abundance of GRAPHIC DESIGNERS today, any tom dick hairy mary sally can pick the 'art of designing' up. but really, to live and breathe design? that's a whole new ball game altogether. the next person in front office who is graphically aware, is yours truly. as if I am not swamped with enough work while being in the race of winning the 'external rate of change'. if the architectural director is panicking mister graphic designer of his boutique hotel has left (after having handed over a COMPLETE set of design work), I should just force-hyperventilate and drop dead

that said, PleasePleasePlease give me a shout if you know someone who'd like to take on this job.

the marketing-arm lady comes in tomorrow. goodbye graphics today hello orientate her tomorrow. make sure no tai ji happens. also nasehr checks into the luxurious dopey world of syringes and cell transfers for the next couple of weeks. that's another battle to be fighting.

past nights were spent in office til way after office hours. jalan kayu prata two nights straight over political ramblings. mad or what? surely I must have put on a couple of kilos because I feel so fucking fat. not enough rest too much food too much information. strangely enough (while feeling fat on the other hand) there is this compulsion of wanting to pat heads of certain this that persons saying DON'T STRESS. DON'T BE STRESSED OK. CHILL. coming from the corporate office, it is real saddening to hear of these happenings between studios. oh the things that go on behind closed doors

I hope I would never have to use 'supernova'


April 3, 2008

above photographs - you either love it or hate it. no in betweens!
see: flickr.com/olibia

summing up the past month - events events events! no time for blogspot nor flickr! AUGH!