May 27, 2009

hello earthlings alike

if I'm not here, I'm at
and then you gotta come get the password to read ok:)

March 17, 2009

Hello I have neglected this blog for the most part of 2008, as it is seen in Archives my entry count is gradually going the downhill, it’s not that I have nothing to say but really, what exactly is the use in all that speech because hey just go bloody do it already. Anyway, better late than never so here goes – 2008 had been an exciting year of self discovery, change, exposé of a low-life and new ventures. There, the entire year summed up. It is with lots of luck and fate that I am sharing the greater part of my life with an absolute saccharine wonder of a person. Talk to me and I will tell of vivid dreams reoccurring in real time, multiple dejavu’s, numeric correlations and all that weird shit about knowing before not knowing. HONESTLY, I am so damn bad at blogging. Descriptions are either too vague or excessive with barely a hint of remote relevance. Poor friends who read probably spend half the time trying to figure out just what the hell this person is writing or rather trying to write, if there is even enough patience to get to the last sentence of the entry. How like that?

Ok so sleepy at work, waiting to go shoot, til another day compadres

February 25, 2009

slow down, my beatin' heart.